Let Your New Year’s Resolution Benefit Your Incontinence

Woman Exercising - New Year's ResolutionsWoman Exercising - New Year's ResolutionsWoman Exercising - New Year's Resolutions

Let Your New Year’s Resolution Benefit Your Incontinence

New year, endless possibilities! Many people make one or more new year’s resolutions to accomplish a personal goal or change an undesired trait or behaviour. Changing your habits can not only have a positive impact on your health, but can also improve your continence issues.

New Year's Resolution - Stopping SmokingNew Year's Resolution - Stopping SmokingNew Year's Resolution - Stopping Smoking

1 - Stop smoking

We know, it sounds easier than it is. Cigarettes are known for their negative health impacts, but did you know that a smoker’s cough can have an impact on your bladder? By quitting, you can minimise or eliminate a smoker’s cough, which in turn reduces pressure (stress) on your bladder. Stopping smoking is also good for your wallet!

2 - Exercising, including pelvic floor exercises

Exercising more is a well-known trend in new year’s resolutions, and increased focus on training your pelvic floor muscles should be amongst yours.

Did you know that as many as 70% of people who suffer from urinary incontinence notice a positive change in their urine leakage by doing their pelvic floor exercises correctly and regularly? Whether you’re male or female, regular pelvic floor training can in many cases improve or even eliminate urine leakage.

It’s important to know that you won’t see results straight away, but the results do come over time! Don’t feel down or give up if it takes a few months before you notice the positive effects of training your pelvic floor.

If you’re unsure of how to train your pelvic floor correctly, please visit our free online eLearning platform to view our video tutorial.

3 - Drink responsibly

Certain types of drinks can have an impact on urine leakage. Drinks such as alcohol, coffee, tea and carbonated drinks (for example, lemonade etc) can irritate your bladder, so drink these in moderation. Be sure to reduce your alcohol intake, try decaffeinated drinks or replace tea and coffee with water. This will help to maintain a healthy bladder.

New Year's Resolution - Drinking WaterNew Year's Resolution - Drinking WaterNew Year's Resolution - Drinking Water

4 - Talk more

The impact of urinary incontinence can be life-altering, often causing embarrassment, anxiety or depression – diminishing quality of life, preventing many from pursuing their normal activities.

Many people who experience urinary incontinence are ashamed and often don’t want to talk about it. It’s estimated that around 1 in 4 people experience some type of incontinence during their lifetime, so an issue affecting this many people should be normalised and discussed.

If you haven’t visited your doctor or a continence nurse about any incontinence issues you may be experiencing, let 2023 be the year! A professional healthcare practitioner can help provide understanding, help and support.

It’s important to remember that urinary incontinence is not an evitable part of aging and like many conditions, it is treatable.

We also recommend talking to your close friends and family for additional support and understanding.

Whilst investigation and treatment plans are explored, you may need to consider using an absorbent product. To learn more about our complete range of bladder weakness and incontinence products, click here.

Happy New Year!

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