“Attends helped me”
When I contacted Attends I didn’t know what to expect, but they gave me just the help I needed.
Christian, 61 years old. Consumer
I’d wake up and my bed would be wet…the night pad saved me” - Try Attends Lady Night Pad for yourself!
Simone, 46 years old. Consumer
“Attends for Men”
Before using the Attends for Men products, I always kept an eye out for where the nearest toilet was. Now I never have to worry about wetting myself in public again.
Richard, 61 years old. Consumer
“Incontinence after birth”
I just wish I had found out about Attends sooner. That would have saved me a lot of frustration and wet jeans!
Esther, 32 years old. Consumer
“Attends Cover-Dri”
We were introduced to Attends Cover-Dri at the hospital during birth, and continued to buy it for the changing table at home.
Anna, 30 years old. Consumer
sub Category 1
New test Product base 2
Product Number:
Attends For Men 1 Protective Shield er en anatomisk formet dråpesamler utviklet for menn med svært Light urinlekkasje eller etterdrypp.
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Attends For Men 1 Protective Shield er dråpesamlere for menn med Light urinlekkasje. De er spesielt utviklet for mannens anatomi og er komfortable i bruk. De gir en diskret og maskulin beskyttelse som er så behagelig i bruk at du kan glemme at du bruker de.